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Fiserv AppMarket API Shopping Experience

A cutting-edge e-commerce shopping platform tailored to development teams in search of APIs to effortlessly launch their products on Fiserv's AppMarket

Client: Fiserv

Project: UX / UI Design


Project Overview

The goal of this project is to design a sophisticated e-commerce feature catering specifically to development teams in search of APIs to facilitate seamless product launches on Fiserv's AppMarket. The marketplace aims to streamline the API procurement process, providing developers with a user-friendly and efficient solution to discover, evaluate, and acquire APIs that align perfectly with their project needs. Through this platform, we aim to empower development teams, accelerate product integration, and foster innovation within the app development community.

Project Objective

The primary objective is to offer a well-designed and intuitive user interface that ensures a pleasant and efficient experience for developers seeking APIs. The platform's usability will be a key focus, allowing developers to easily configure a diverse plan, comprised of API environments.


During the collaborative whiteboarding session, I facilitated an engaging exercise with the product team to meticulously outline the categories, products, and supplementary options that will enrich the upcoming e-commerce experience.

Through a dynamic brainstorming process, we collectively identified and mapped out the various categories of products that will be offered on the platform. By encouraging open discussions and leveraging the team's diverse expertise, we delved into the details of each category, ensuring comprehensive coverage of products to cater to our customer's needs.

Identifying the flow

After analyzing the outcomes from our whiteboarding session with the product team and stakeholders, I proceeded to leverage the valuable insights gathered to craft an industry-standard e-commerce user flow that perfectly aligns with the unique requirements of our products.


As part of the project's competitive analysis, I meticulously evaluated and compared the shopping experiences of prominent industry leaders, including Apple, Target, Wayfair, Home Depot (specifically focusing on their Dish Washer category), Google (with a particular emphasis on their Pixel Phone), and Adobe.

Throughout the process, I conducted an in-depth examination of each company's e-commerce platforms, taking note of their user interfaces, navigation structures, and overall design aesthetics. I also carefully observed how they presented product categories, product descriptions, and additional options to customers.

By studying the various shopping experiences, I gained valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. I paid special attention to the user journey, ensuring to understand the friction points that could potentially hinder a seamless shopping process.

Furthermore, I analyzed the checkout processes, payment options, and customer support features to understand how these companies prioritize user satisfaction and optimize conversion rates.

Through this comprehensive competitive analysis, I have gained a deeper understanding of the current industry standards and best practices, enabling me to apply the most effective and innovative strategies to our project. I will leverage these insights to craft an exceptional e-commerce user flow that sets our platform apart, offering a superior shopping experience to our customers and driving success in a highly competitive market.




Home Depot - Dishwasher

Google - Pixel Phone


Throughout the development process, we employed a meticulous and iterative approach to provide wireframe proposals and solutions, ultimately leading to the solidification of the site architecture. The journey began with a series of design meetings where collaboration, creativity, and continuous refinement played pivotal roles.

Intuitive and Streamlined Navigation: Drawing inspiration from the best practices observed during the competitive analysis, our wireframes prioritize an intuitive navigation system. Customers will find it effortless to explore product categories and access relevant information, allowing for a seamless shopping experience.

Personalized Recommendations: Building upon the successful strategies of Apple and Google, we propose incorporating personalized product recommendations based on user behavior and preferences. These recommendations will enhance user engagement and foster a sense of tailored shopping experience.

User-Focused Product Pages: Inspired by Wayfair and Home Depot, we have designed product pages that prioritize crucial information, including pricing, specifications, customer reviews, and related products. This user-focused approach aims to assist customers in making informed decisions.

Streamlined Checkout Process: Based on the streamlined checkout experiences of Adobe and Target, our wireframes outline a hassle-free and straightforward checkout process. This includes various payment options and a guest checkout feature to reduce cart abandonment rates.


Subscription management hypothesis 2

Subscription management hypothesis 3

Subscription management hypothesis 4


Subscription management hypothesis 4.1

Subscription Management hypothesis 4.1 (Design Meeting Takeaways)

Back to the Drawing Board

Final Wireframe


Final Comp

Dev Handoff




Research • Discovery • Innovation